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Why Yoga on the beach? 

Yoga by the beach: it sounds idyllic, right? Yet while beach yoga may make you feel like you’re on vacation, it has plenty of health benefits too. Taking your practice to the beach can help you challenge yourself, protect your body, deepen your poses, feel better about life and even recover faster. Find out all the reasons why beach yoga is a great way to keep your practice fresh.

Enhance Your Creativity

Exercising outside can greatly enhance your creative mind. All exercise in general is a creativity enhancer. The parts of your brain that become activated during exercise can help to enhance creativity. In fact, in the area of the brain called the hippocampus, your cells can regenerate faster if you exercise for at least 20 minutes per day.

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Sea Air

Breathing in the sea air has many health benefits that are only enhanced with yoga. As long as you’re not doing beach yoga in an area with high pollution, you can enjoy all of the benefits of the sea air. Your body can actually absorb oxygen easier thanks to the negative ions that are present in the ocean air. These negative ions can also help naturally boost your serotonin, which can help you feel more relaxed and happier during your yoga session.

Difficult Postures

If you need to add a little more difficulty to your practice, beach yoga has you covered with this too. When you rest your yoga mat on the sand, you’re not resting it on a sturdy surface (such as the wooden floor of a yoga studio). In addition to holding your poses, you’ll need to find a way to balance yourself on the sand as well. You’ll need to hold your pose, find your footing in the sand and make sure your hands don’t slide out from underneath you.

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Increased Mood Support

One of the greatest benefits of yoga is increased mood support. Many people start doing yoga because they want the mental benefits in addition to the health benefits. Yet taking your practice outside and to the beach can help enhance your mood even faster. Experts believe that going outside for only a mere five minutes more per day can help boost your mood by 50%. Imagine what an improvement a 90-minute yoga class could make on your mood.

Sand Support

​While supporting yourself on the sand might add a little challenge to your workout, you’ll get the relaxed benefit of having a soft cushion of support underneath you. You might wan to try out a few more challenging poses on the beach because you won’t need to worry about falling on a hard wooden floor if you happen to get a few of the wrong. The sand can also help to support you in different poses. Anytime you’re sitting on the sand, you may find your hips and bottom supported by soft sand. In a yoga studio, you’d need to surround yourself with blankets and bolsters to get that kind of support.

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Cool off in the Surf

When all is said and done, one of the best reasons to practice beach yoga is because its–well, by the beach! After a yoga class, you probably head straight for the locker rooms or head home to shower. After doing beach yoga, you simply need to head to the surf to cool off a little. Just remember to wear Lycra undergarments, so your skin doesn’t feel chaffed from synthetic materials and sea water rubbing on your skin. If you don’t have to head to work for the day, you can even relax in the sand for an hour or so to continue soaking up the benefits of the Great Outdoors.

Frequently Asked Questions

1)  I have never tried yoga before but want to do it now. Where should I start?
- All of our programs are open to all levels so even if you are a beginner, it is easy to catch up to the practice


2) Are yoga classes safe?
- These sessions conducted are completely safe for any practitioner but its very important to follow the instructions given as they help you to get into poses safely


3) Do I need special equipment for yoga practice?
- You don’t need any special equipment. All props will be provided by us 


4) What should I eat before my yoga practice?
- Eat something very light as you don’t want to be twisting and bending with a full belly. A small piece of fruit, or a handful of nuts, works well. Although, a light yoga practice can be done on an empty stomach.
Those who sweat a lot should ensure they’re sufficiently hydrated before yoga practice with a glass of lemon water or coconut water. Those who tend to get dizzy or tired during practice can eat a small piece of fruit, a date, or a small cup of smoothie. Ideally, don’t eat or drink anything at least 30 mins before practice.


4) Can I do Yoga if I’m not flexible?
- Yes! Everyone can do Yoga, and there is no limit to who can or who cannot.Remind yourself, that yoga is about the mind, not about doing the splits. So, choose the right variation of the posture for your body type and simply breathe deeply while you hold it.


5) Can someone with physical ailments take part in yoga ?
- Absolutely you can. You will be given variations that will aid your ailment during your practice 


6) What should I wear?
- Please wear comfortable clothing that will help you to move comfortably during the practice.

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